Wishing you a very Happy Canada Day! 加拿大149周年國慶快樂

From CMAAC Board of Directors, Committee Members and Staff
CMAAC理事會理事,委員會委員以及所有工作人員 敬上
What’s new at our CMAAC website:
- 2015-2016 CMAAC Board of Directors: Who We Are
2015-2016 CMAAC董事会:我们是谁
- Interactive Discussion Forums & FAQ for HCAI, TELUS Health & PLAR let us know what you think!
互动讨论论坛和常见问题解答(HCAI,TELUS健康与PLAR 让我们知道你在想什么!
- don’t forget to keep checking our website for employment opportunities and upcoming events!
With eight Chapters across Canada, the CMAAC is proud to have regional representatives and represent practitioners across the country. We are all TCM practitioners – all of us are clinicians with some of us as TCM educators and even owners of TCM schools.
CMAAC 目前在加拿大已有8個分會,我們對於各自区域可以擁有各自的代表感到非常自豪。我们都是中医藥從業人員 – 其中一部分作为傳統醫藥教育工作者甚至擁有自己的中醫學校。
Please see below for our spotlight of the Board of Directors and Committee members that are here to serve you across Canada!