Eastern Currents is your one-stop shop for all your acupuncture, clinic, natural health products, and Traditional Chinese Medicine needs. We stock everything from top-of-the-line acupuncture needles to the finest herbal formulas to books, charts and so much more.
We do this by being specialists in the field of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and complementary healthcare. We offer safe and proven top-quality products for healthcare practitioners and promote the Traditional Chinese Medicine profession by providing advanced clinical training seminars, up-to-the-minute industry news, and the very best in products from around the world.
We welcome you to our site and look forward to being of service to you!
Eastern Currents
Vancouver Head Office:
9109 Shaughnessy St
Vancouver, BC V6P 6R9
For a map, click here here
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 3:30pm PDT
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-667-667-6866
Fax within Vancouver: 604-263-8781
website: www.easterncurrents.ca
email: info@easterncurrents.ca