Emily Cheung, Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani, Cedric Cheung

Yifang Tian

Steve Hwang, Elsa Guo, Jane Cheung, Sani Monfared

Yifang Tian, Emily Cheung, Cedric Cheung, Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani, Jane Cheung, Jackie Fowler, Elsa Guo
Thank you to everyone who participated, attended and volunteered at Saturday’s Prior Learning Assessment Workshop at the York Civic Centre in Toronto, Ontario!
We had TCM practitioners, who successfully passed their PLAR, present to lend support to their fellow practitioners – some came all the way from Brockville, London, Guelph and Oshawa to help out.
Also an appreciation to the Ontario College of TCM for getting the word out to their students (in a short time) to volunteer for this workshop. We thank these students who came that Saturday to get involved in helping the TCM community!
Yifang Tian from Guelph helped support members who needed translation in Mandarin.
Finally, special thanks to our presenters Emily Cheung (Cantonese) and Joanne Pritchard-Sobhani (English) who graciously volunteered their time in order to facilitate this learning session for our Ontario practitioners.
Participants were given hand-outs and CEU hours certificates through email. For the handouts (English only) or inquiries, please contact: Jackie at administrator@cmaac.ca.