Regular rate $325 as of January 12th
Saturday and Sunday 8:30am to 4:15pm pacific time (PST)
featuring speaker Paul Magarelli
This course is designed to educate TCM practitioners on the devastating impact of Insulin Resistance (IR) on conditions of enormous significance in public health today, including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, low libido, and menopausal transition. The class is taught from the perspective of a biomedical expert in Reproductive Medicine; TCM approaches are not included in the class. Comprehensive treatment strategies from the Instructor’s own integrative medical model will be presented, including dietary recommendations and evidence-based use of nutraceuticals.
Learning Objectives:
1. Educate TCM practitioners on the devastating impact of Insulin Resistance (IR) on public health
2. Understanding the Evolution of Insulin Resistance (IR): an integrated medical model to manage Insulin Dysregulation.
3. Creating a Modular IR program within your acupuncture practice
4. Reviewing different Diet and lifestyle factors that contribute to insulin dysregulation
5. Evidence based diet and lifestyle models tat can prevent and reverse insulin dysregulation
6. Managing Insulin resistant patients with PCOS, Obesity, low libido, menopausal transition, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
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