2018-03-08 Happy International Women’s Day
2018-02-13: Happy Chinese New Year From CMAAC!
2018-01-31: Updated Telus EClaims Campaign Posted On CMAAC Website
Attention Practitioners:
Telus e-Claims released an updated campaign that is posted on the CMAAC website. Please read and share amongst colleagues to help serve your patients better and more efficiently.
Discover why 90% of eClaims-enabled healthcare professionals* would recommend it**.Learn how eClaims can help your practice grow. Download the case studyRegister today for free!What’s in it for me?
- Reduces your credit card fees
- Increases follow-up appointments
- Gives you extra visibility – eClaims enabled providers are listed on a search tool that was used over 30,000 times last year
- Free to register and use
What’s in it for my patients?
- Reduces out of pocket expenses
- Eliminates the hassle of insurance paperwork
- Decreases financial barriers
Learn more about eClaims on our website
Participating insurers***
2018-01-24: CMAAC Upcoming Workshops
2017-10-04: Use of GST/HST: How it Affects Acupuncturists
Please read an updated version of the application that was published on April 2017 on the Government of Canada website. There have been some updates made to the application and you should be aware of how it affects your practice in your province.

Application of the GST/HST to the Practice of Acupuncture
Historically, various health care services rendered by a health care practitioner listed in Part II of Schedule V have been exempt from the GST/HST. Acupuncturists were not among the listed practitioners in the Act and, as a result, acupuncture services rendered by an acupuncturist were subject to the GST/HST.
However, the list of health care practitioners has been expanded in section 1 of Part II of Schedule V to include acupuncturists. Therefore, when certain conditions are met, the GST/HST exemption in section 7 of Part II of Schedule V will apply to acupuncture services rendered to an individual by an acupuncturist.
The changes to the exemption apply to supplies of acupuncture services made by an acupuncturist after February 11, 2014 (Government of Canada, 2017).
GST/HST exemption for acupuncture services
In certain circumstances, a supply of an acupuncture service is exempt from the GST/HST pursuant to section 7 of Part II of Schedule V. For the exemption to apply, all of the following conditions must be met:
- the service is an acupuncture service for GST/HST purposes;
- the acupuncture service is rendered to an individual by a practitioner of acupuncture services (for example, a Registered Acupuncturist or Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner);
- the acupuncture service is a qualifying health care supply as defined in section 1 of Part II of Schedule V; and
- the acupuncture service is not a cosmetic service supply or a supply, in respect of a cosmetic service supply, that is not made for medical or reconstructive purposes pursuant to section 1.1 of Part II of Schedule V.
First condition – supply of an acupuncture service
To be exempt from the GST/HST pursuant to section 7 of Part II of Schedule V, the service supplied by an acupuncturist must be an acupuncture service and must fall within the scope of practice for an acupuncturist.
An acupuncture service is a service that involves the stimulation of specific pressure points on the skin, mucous membranes or subcutaneous tissues of the human body and other therapeutic techniques to promote, maintain, or restore health, to prevent a disorder or disease or to alleviate pain.
Acupuncture is provincially regulated and what constitutes an acupuncture service for GST/HST purposes may vary from province to province. An acupuncturist must refer to the governing body or relevant provincial legislation for the province in which they practise to determine whether the services they perform are acupuncture services. An acupuncturist who practises in an unregulated province or territory must refer to the scope of practice established by the governing body or provincial legislation in the regulated province for which the acupuncturist has equivalent qualifications. For more information, refer to the section “Equivalent qualifications.”
2017-10-04: Acupuncture’s Role is Solving the Opioid Epidemic
White Paper Newsletter: CLICK HERE
2017-09-15: Canadian CAM Research Fund Applications
INCAM is now accepting proposals for the Canadian CAM Research Fund
November 1, 2017
Click HERE for application form.Background – About the CCRF:
The CCRF grant competition is an annual CAM funding competition. The 2017-2018 CCRF Competition was made possible through the generous donations of Dr. Marja Verhoef, INCAM Co-Founder and former Co-Director.
Each grant is up to CAD $5000 over one year.
Dr. Marja Verhoef, PhD INCAM Co-Founder Former Co-Director |
Purpose and research priorities:
The primary goal of the CCRF is to increase and enhance CAM research capacity in Canada by supporting and funding relevant and high caliber studies that are in line with at least one of the following research priorities:
- Effectiveness and/or safety of CAM interventions (products, independent modalities and practices)*
- Evaluation of health care delivery models that incorporate CAM
- Development and evaluation/assessment of CAM specific policies in the context of health care delivery in Canada
- Effectiveness and/or usefulness of knowledge translation activities related to CAM information dissemination (to public, practitioners, etc.)
* For the purposes of the CCRF funding competition. studies on modalities, practices, therapies, and systems of care categorized as complementary, alternative and integrative medicine will be considered. The proposed study must directly aim to assess, evaluate, examine, and/or test such an intervention.
- Canadian INCAM members only. To become an INCAM member, please visit: become a member
- Established Canadian researchers affiliated with academic institutions in Canada.
- New researchers and research trainees in the CAM field who are completing MSc and PhD level thesis projects at a Canadian university and are under the supervision of researcher at an academic institution which can administer the funds on their behalf.
- CAM practitioners who are working with an established researcher or a research trainee at an academic institution which can administer the funds on their behalf.
- Individuals who do not hold any outstanding CCRF grants (which they are in the progress of completing. This includes Principal applicants and Co-applicants).
- In vitro and animal (non-human) studies are not eligible.
**Priority will be given to projects that that are based on collaborative relationships: between CAM practitioners and researchers or across disciplines.
Review Process:
All applications will undergo a rigorous peer review process. All submitted proposals are first screened by the Internal Review Committee to ensure the basic criteria are met. These include: word count, overall grammar and use of appropriate language, overall quality of the study, and alignment with the stated research priorities. All submissions that pass the initial screening process are then reviewed independently by an external reviewer. Each proposal is reviewed by two external reviewers. External reviewers are selected based on a match with content and/or methodological expertise. External reviewers complete the CCRF Review and Ranking Form and submit it to: inf. All reviews are then organized based on ranking. Submission rated as “fundable” are considered for funding. Decisions are based on a combined ranking score and specific feedback regarding strengths and weaknesses of the study.
All applicants receive constructive feedback and guidance, based on the feedback from external reviewers, for improvement wherever possible.
CCRF Application deadline:
November 1, 2017
Click HERE for application form.
For more information, please email: incam.info@iscmr.org
2017-08-29: World Acupuncture Day: Nov 15-17, 2018
The Official Date for WAD has been announced.
Acupuncture organizations from around the world meet at UNESCO – World Acupuncture Day (WAD)!
The UNESCO – World Acupuncture Day (WAD) will be held at the UNESCO Headquarters November 15-17, 2018 in Paris, France.
World Acupuncture Day and the “International Scientific and Cultural Dialogue on Acupuncture” will be held simultaneously. Please check the UNESCO website for further information and updates.
Acupuncture has been granted UNESCO World Heritage status.This is done to raise awareness and protect culture or natural sites. All of the sites are things or places of special cultural or physical significance to the common heritage of humanity. The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.
2017-08-21: Ont Teachers no longer covered for Acu/TCM
A change in policy leaves Ontario teachers without coverage…
2017-06-21: Communicating with Confidence: How Acupuncture Works
2017-06-06: York Integrative Acupuncture–Advanced Practice Certificate Program
An East-West approach to acupuncture for practitioners who aspire to advance their practice with the best of both worlds.
Integrate and apply the most practical eastern and western acupuncture skills including advanced dry needling techniques, neuro-myofascial meridian testing, and neuro-stimulation techniques.
The Integrative Acupuncture: Advanced Practice Certificate program balances Eastern and Western medicine through an integrated approach to acupuncture.
Most “integrated” acupuncture programs teach Eastern and Western acupuncture side by side without demonstrating how to incorporate the skills and knowledge from both approaches into practice. This advanced program is the first of its kind to teach a fully integrative approach to treating physical medical conditions such as pain and neurological conditions from a biomedical approach, while providing holistic patient-centred care through a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach.
The program is designed for health professional looking to advance their practice. You will learn how to develop more effective treatments by applying the latest advanced dry needling myofascial trigger point therapy, neuro-myofascial meridian testing, and peripheral nerve stimulation techniques as a form of therapy in modern clinical practice. At the same time, you will learn how to obtain Di Qi and address the Yang Ming, Shao Yang, and Tai Yang region through integrative physiatrics.
How You Will Benefit
- Upgrade your practice with intensive training in three core skill sets:(1) trigger point dry needling therapy , (2) neuro-myofascial meridian testing, and (3) peripheral nerve palpation and electro-stimulation
- 6 hours of cadaver practical lab for applied acupuncture anatomy.
- 15 hours of clinical skills practicum. You will have the opportunity to work hands-on with real patient volunteers through supervised group treatments.
- All techniques taught are evidence-based and proven to effectively treat pain and neurological conditions
- The course is taught by field experts who specialize in integrative acupuncture (For testimonials, please see Faculty Page)
Learning Outcomes
- Palpation Skills: Understand trigger point palpation, neuro-palpation and hara/abdominal palpation
- Diagnostic Skills: Assess underlying meridian, nutritional, neuro-endocrine, and psycho-emotional layers to a given physical condition
- Advanced Needling Skills: Predict and confirm the correct DeQi sensation for individual acupuncture points and obtain consistent results
- Holistic Treatment Strategy: Design patient-centred treatments that addresses the sensory, motor, autonomic, and segmental nervous system, as well as Jing, Qi, and Shen imbalances
Who Should Take this Course?
- Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Naturopathic Doctors (ND)
- Registered health professionals who have at least 200 hours of prior training in acupuncture
York University is pleased to offer the following to CMAAC members:
A single/separate Registration submitted: 10% off the course fee
A group of 10 Registrations submitted: 12% off the course fee for each registrant. (NOTE: Each registrant must complete the registration form but all Ten (10) must be received together by our office at the same time)
A group of 20 Registrations submitted: 15% off the course fee for each registrant. (NOTE: Each registrant must complete the registration form but all Twenty (20) must be received by our office together at the same time)
To be able to use this discount the Promo Code of 070HLLN must be inserted on the registration form. For the convenience of your members a Registration Form is attached.
It must also be noted that further discounts cannot be combined with this offer. (ie. Early Bird savings). The discounts offered here are of a greater value than others posted.
If you want to take the class but are unsure if you meet the prerequistes, contact us for more information 416 736 2100 ext 22170 or hlln@yorku.ca.
2017-03-23: Toronto Star; Letter to the Editor
Please click PHOTO to view Newsletter
2017-03-15: Change.org Petition to Include TCM & Acupuncture
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2017-03-10: TCM/A Associations work together for healthcare change
Please click PHOTO to view Newsletter
2017-03-02: Acupuncture Research Conference in San Francisco
Please click PHOTO to view Newsletter
2017-03-01: Upcoming International TCM Conferences
Please click HERE to view Newsletter
2017-02-24: First Announcement of WFAS World Acupuncture Congress 2017
Please click ABOVE to view Newsletter
2017-02-16: Acupuncture Evidence Project Released
Please click PHOTO to view Newsletter
Register for TELUS eClaims
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

On Behalf of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), our president Prof. Liu Baoyan wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are particularly grateful for your support and help all these years, hereby we send our season’s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!
Warm regards,
The Secretariat
World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies
Minutes of The Fourth Session of the Eighth Executive Committee of WFAS 2016
Dear members of WFAS,
The 4th session of the 8th Executive Committee of WFAS was held on 4 November 2016 in Tsukuba, Japan. A total of 50 seats (out of 76) were represented in person or by proxy, 6 working reports, 8 proposals, 1 note, 1 initiative, 1 statement were discussed. The Secretariat hereby presents the minutes of this meeting for your review and comment.
We welcome your views and suggestions to the issues raised in the EC session, and on any of our work. Thanks for your attention and looking forward to your reply!
Warm regards,
The Secretariat, World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies
[button color=red url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/13QgD7Q5TT1bipJvtj1KUXtc0F0jg9kkIHrAwUZOeHbM/edit]Click Here to View the Minutes of the 4th Session of the 8th Executive Committee of WFAS 2016[/button]
[button color=red url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DghBh5t8bXYKifiC4uS0QgL9Xnx-TiGETSVRa2GD1Tw/edit]請點擊這裡查看世界第八屆執行委員會第四次會議的會議記錄[/button]
Webinar: Give your patients the royal treatment with eClaims
Webinar: Give your patients the royal treatment with eClaims
As an acupuncturist, your mission is to ensure your patients are in good health. What if you could do even more for their wellness?
By registering for this webinar, you will discover the numerous benefits that eClaims can offer both you and your patients, such as:
- -Increased patient loyalty
- -Reduction in operational expenses
- -Free promotion of eClaims enabled acupuncturists
- -And it’s a fully free solution for you and your patients
- We’ll also do a short product demo to give you a concrete view of what eClaims really is.
Wendy Croft
Sales Support Technical Rep
Marketing Manager
2016 October – See you on Saturday October 29 for our AGM & Learning Workshops
2016 September 28 – It doesn’t cost a thing to support sustainable TCM
Please click PHOTO to view Research Article
Please feel free to leave your comments or thoughts about this Article on our FACEBOOK page
2016 September 9 – Acupuncture is a Placebo??
Please click PHOTO to view Research Article
Please feel free to leave your comments or thoughts about this Article on our FACEBOOK page
2016 July 18 – CMAAC & ANF sign MOU
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2016 July 1 – Happy 149th Birthday Canada!
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2016 June 15 – WFAS Earlybird Registration Discount ends SOON
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2016 June 7 – TELUS Health eClaims Survey Results
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2016 June 3 – Volunteer Acupuncturists Wanted for Global Outreach Doctors
Also: the Acupuncture Now Foundation Campaign “Acupuncture Before Opiods”
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2016 May 31 – WFAS 2016 Tokyo: Call for Abstracts
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2016 May 24 – Welcome New Board of Directors and Committee Chair
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2016 May 12 – REMINDER: Register for Telus Health eClaims
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2016 March 30 – Spring Forward
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WFAS 2016 Tokyo: Call for Abstracts Announced!
WFAS 2016 is now accepting Abstracts!
Submission deadline is July 7, 2016.
Please click Photo to view Newsletter